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51-385 Designing for Service

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Designing for service As the service sector continues to dominate the US economy, companies will turn to design thinking to address the opportunities and challenges faced by the shift to a knowledge-based service-centered society. In the past, services have rarely been consciously designed, and when they have, theyve looked back toward product design for inspiration. In this mini we will look forward toward designing for service in ways that stimulate senses, connect deeply with peoples lifestyles, emphasize the broader social and cultural context of peoples actions and provide support through a networked service ecology. This course is open to upper level students in Design, HCI, BHA, engineering and graduate business students.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#536
Rank in this department:#20

  Students also scheduled
51-488 Design, Management and Organization...
51-312 Products in Systems: ID IV
51-344 Advanced Digital Prototyping
51-396 Redefining the Portfolio
51-342 How People Work with Things
51-346 Production Prototyping
51-788 Design, Management and Organization...
70-340 Business Communications
85-241 Social Psychology
70-486 Pricing

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A4 12:00 - 1:20 pm M Evenson MM 227 Add course to my schedule
W Evenson MM 227

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