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09-510 Introduction to Green Chemistry

Prerequisites:09-218 and 09-348
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This course covers the most significant emerging field in modern chemistry, namely, Green chemistry, the field, which focuses upon the reinvention of chemistry such that pollution can be avoided. Sustainabilty ethics will be introduced and discussed. The "principles of green chemistry" will be presented and analyzed. The chemical nature and action of certain pollutants of the atmosphere, land, and water, will be highlighted along with prospects for their minimization, and approaches for their eradication. Particular attention will be paid to sources and potential replacements of persistent bioaccumulative pollutants. A historical and technical analysis of the chlorine industry and pollution emanating from this industrial sector will be covered in some detail. The recently discovered mechanism of toxicity called "endocrine disruption" will be presented in the context of this industry. The chemical process by which white paper is made will be treated in detail emphasizing the environmental effluent problems and the steps that industry has taken to reduce these problems. A new technology with potential to further significantly reduce toxic effluents in this and other industrial sectors will be described and students will examine the use of the technology in a laboratory setting: this technology has been invented at Carnegie Mellon. Themes woven throughout the course include emerging concepts for guiding green chemistry, environmental toxicology, conventional versus biorational pesticides, the development of green oxidants, and an identification of toxins, especially persistent toxins, where elimination will require new green chemistry. A significant effort has been made by the instructor to produce a course suitable for an interdisciplinary audience and recent classes have come from diverse backgrounds throughout the university. (Graduate Course: 12 units, 09-710) 3 hrs. lec.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#749
Rank in this department:#17

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  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 9:00 - 10:20 am T Collins MI 355 Add course to my schedule
R Collins MI 355

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