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54-477 Technical Design II

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This weekly seminar focuses on solving technical challenges commonly found in a regional and commercial theatre. Where possible, assignments duplicate actual production specifications. Successful solutions incorporate an awareness of how the particular effect functions within the production as a whole. Students are expected to integrate skills and knowledge from their previous classroom and production experiences. This course will promote appreciation of diverse technical design approaches, provide opportunities for fully-developed solutions, contribute to a presentation-quality portfolio, promote valuable collaboration in pursuit of technical solutions, and foster an awareness of real-world industry time-frames. Class sessions are built around students presentations. These presentations will provide the basis for roundtable discussion, promoting the appreciation of diverse approaches to the same challenge. Each session will feature a different assignment, to be discussed in the subsequent session. Periodic faculty lectures augment student presentations. These lectures are designed to familiarize students with alternate technical design strategies. Students must have already successfully completed Technical Design 1.

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  Students also scheduled
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  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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