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54-443 Costume Construction II

Prerequisites:54-343 and 54-344
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Advanced problems in costume building and pattern developing individually assigned to strengthen the skills of the student. Projects may be drawn from actual designs for productions if the challenge is suitable for the students development. This course may be taken for 1 or 2 semesters, starting either Fall or Spring

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  Students also scheduled
54-381 History of Drama
57-215 Dance (Tap) III
54-361 Production Preparation III
54-351 Lighting Design I
54-347 Figure Drawing
54-341 Costume Design I
54-245 History of Clothing
54-239 History of Architecture and Decor
85-377 Attitudes and Persuasion
54-262 Production Preparation II

  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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