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21-371 Functions of a Complex Variable

Department:Mathematical Sciences
Prerequisites:21-259 and 21-260
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This course provides an introduction to one of the basic topics of both pure and applied mathematics and is suitable for those with both practical and theoretical interests. Algebra and geometry of complex numbers; complex differentiation and integration. Cauchy's theorem and applications; conformal mapping; applications. 3 hrs. lec.

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  Students also scheduled
62-247 Introduction to Hot Glass I
21-630 Ordinary Differential Equations
03-121 Modern Biology
21-201 Undergrad Colloquium
54-191 Acting for Non-Majors
80-180 The Nature of Language
21-700 Mathematical Logic II
21-623 Complex Analysis
21-356 Principles of Real Analysis II
21-229 Set Theory

  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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