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82-222 Intermediate German II

Department:Modern Languages
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You should already be able to: . use and understand German in some basic situations. . communicate effectively in general areas and in individual areas of interest. . understand general cultural perspectives in contemporary Germany. . use authentic materials from German-speaking countries on the web. In this class, you will expand and develop these skills and work on speaking in paragraphs, not just in sentences. A balance of activities will help the development of all four skills and of cultural knowledge, and assessment of progress will occur across skills throughout the semester. Throughout this course, the emphasis is on effective communication, without neglecting linguistic accuracy. This is a content-based course, best titled "Bilder von Amerika aus dem 20. Jahrhundert." We will investigate European perceptions of America in the early and late 20th century. We will compare and contrast these perceptions with our own pictures of German-speaking countries. Taught in German. Prerequisite 221 or approved equivalent.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#566
Rank in this department:#33

  Students also scheduled
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57-100 Convocation
57-010 Voice Seminar

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 10:30 - 11:20 am M Gniss OSC 201 Add course to my schedule
W Gniss OSC 201
F Gniss OSC 201

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