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|  | 15-415 Database Applications 
 This course covers the fundamental topics for Database Management Systems: Database System Architectural Principles (ACID properties; data abstraction; external, conceptual, and internal schemata; data independence; data definition and data manipulation languages), Data models (entity-relationship and relational data models; data structures, integrity constraints, and operations for each data model; relational query languages: SQL, algebra, calculus), Theory of database design (functional dependencies; normal forms; dependency preservation; information loss), Query Optimization (equivalence of expressions, algebraic manipulation; optimization of selections and joins), Storage Strategies (indices, B-trees, hashing), Query Processing (execution of sort, join, and aggregation operators), and Transaction Processing (recovery and concurrency control). |  | 
Popularity index |  |  Students also scheduled |  | |  Spring 2005 times |  | 1 | 1:30 - 2:50 pm | T | Olston | HH B103 | |  | | | R | Olston | HH B103 | |  | A | 9:30 - 10:20 am | W | Instructor TBA | SH 220 | |  | B | 10:30 - 11:20 am | W | Instructor TBA | SH 220 | |  | C | 11:30 am - 12:20 pm | W | Instructor TBA | SH 220 | |  |
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