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62-242 Black and White Photography II

Department:CFA Interdisciplinary
Special permission:Yes
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This studio course will explore the role of ego in the creation of photographs. Examples of "successful egos" throughout photography and other disciplines will be studied and adopted as models towards a personal syntax. The transparency of the medium (i.e. is the subject the world or the photographer?) and its relative ease make it an ideal vehicle for the migration of the self into the community. Black and white photography will s
erve as the primary tool, although students will be encouraged to develop alternate media as appropriate. Group critique/individual tutorial structure. Exhibition of work at a public venue/situation is required by semester's end. Pre-requisites: Black and White Photography I 62-141 or consent of instructor. Special permission only. Contact Jen Morris at for further information.

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  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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