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54-394 Speech and Phonetics Instruction and Outreach II

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This course is designed for mentors to teach children at the 5th grade level to speak in a clear, efficient and pleasing manner with self-confidence. The children will also be able to understand the relationship between sound and speech; realize the differences between American English speech and spelling; relate symbols of IPA to phonemes we use in speech; improve their articulation of Vowels, Consonants and Diphthongs; discover the musical patterns their voices can make; follow directions and drills to learn to discriminate between correct and incorrect productions of Vowels, Consonants and Diphthongs; develop the techniques for memorization of challenging poetry and participate in a presentation for family and friends using the skills they have learned.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#1417
Rank in this department:#77

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 9:00 - 10:20 am F Shirer PCA A41 Add course to my schedule

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