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62-342 Art Writing

Department:CFA Interdisciplinary
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This studio course explores the role of text in art. It invites students to engage in the dialectic between the personal and social construction of knowledge in the arts by examining art criticism, journalism, essays, and the manifestoes written by artists themselves. These documents will provide points of departure for investigating how language shapes forms of thought and creative response. Students will construct and revise their writing as they form and refine relationships to their own work in the arts. Critiques and revisions will enable them to understand the conceptual process of actively interpreting, questioning, and making meaning.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#689
Rank in this department:#11

  Students also scheduled
51-262 Communication Design Fundamentals
76-360 Literary Journalism Workshop
51-338 Documentary Photography
76-294 Interpretive Practices
76-390 Style
82-407 The Arts in Society: French Moderni...
82-303 French Culture
76-386 Language & Culture
85-421 Language and Thought
51-132 Introduction to Photographic Design

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 6:30 - 9:20 pm T Eldridge CFA 310 Add course to my schedule

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