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79-200 Historical Evidence and Interpretation

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"Historical Evidence and Interpretation" is a course designed for history majors and other students who want to learn about how historians really work. We approach a major event, or set of events, not only through the usual "secondary sources" that are assigned in history courses, but also through the "primary sources" that historians use to write history. We use such primary sources as speeches, memoirs, eyewitness accounts, and visual evidence, paintings, cartoons, film - to capture a sense of the past. We also discuss how historians approach these sources critically, for example, by comparing different accounts before attempting to write an historical account based on them. The course thus seeks to develop students' knowledge of the past as well as their skills of researching, writing, and critical thinking.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#302
Rank in this department:#11

  Students also scheduled
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54-192 Acting for Non-Majors
79-329 Sex, Population, Birth Control
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62-148 Art and Culture

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 9:00 - 10:20 am M Sharma PH 226B Add course to my schedule
W Sharma PH 226B

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