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79-365 Climate Change, Energy Policy and Environmental Protection

Cross-listed:88-382 , 88-765 , 90-767
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Global concerns about climate changes have led to the formation of conventions and panels to discuss the regulation of greenhouse gasses and energy-related carbon emissions. This course will examine climate change and energy policy, the applicable international and national legal and institutional arrangements, and alternative scenarios for energy development and emissions reductions by drawing largely on primary source materials from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and other international organizations, governments, and academic and industry groups. During the course of study and in assigned work, students will learn how to undertake structured policy analysis and develop policy recommendations. A stubstantial portion of the course will be dedicated to energy policy in the United States, but key developing countries such as China, India and others also will be examined.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#576
Rank in this department:#27

  Students also scheduled
42-101 Introduction to Biomedical Engineer...
80-210 Logic and Proofs
54-114 Non-Major Dance
79-211 Disaster! Fires, Plagues, Hurricane...
80-212 Logic and Philosophical Analysis
48-596 LEED Buildings and Green Design
62-347 Hot Glass II
12-657 Water Resources Engineering
57-216 Dance (Tap) IV
80-317 Constructive Logic

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 10:30 - 11:50 am M Ferreira HBH 1003 Add course to my schedule
W Ferreira HBH 1003

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