| Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
9:30 | 82132 A Elementary Chinese II | 82132 A Elementary Chinese II | 82132 A Elementary Chinese II | | 82132 A Elementary Chinese II |
10:00 | |
10:30 | 88737 A Dynamic Models for Firm Decision Making and Industrial Competition | 76462 A Advanced Fiction Workshop | 88737 A Dynamic Models for Firm Decision Making and Industrial Competition | 76462 A Advanced Fiction Workshop | |
11:00 | |
11:30 | |
12:00 | | | | | |
12:30 | 82232 B Intermediate Chinese II | 82232 B Intermediate Chinese II | 82232 B Intermediate Chinese II | | 82232 B Intermediate Chinese II |
1:00 | |
1:30 | 82232 C Intermediate Chinese II | 82232 C Intermediate Chinese II | 82232 C Intermediate Chinese II | | 82232 C Intermediate Chinese II |
2:00 | |
2:30 | 82132 F Elementary Chinese II | 82132 F Elementary Chinese II | 82132 F Elementary Chinese II | | 82132 F Elementary Chinese II |
3:00 | |
3:30 | 76363 A Readings in Poetry: Verse and Consciousness | | 76363 A Readings in Poetry: Verse and Consciousness | 82881 A Research Methods in Second Language Acquisition | |
4:00 | | |
4:30 | | |
5:00 | | | | |
5:30 | | | | |