| Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
8:30 | 05571 A Undergraduate Project in HCI | | 05571 A Undergraduate Project in HCI | | |
9:00 | 17939 A What Makes Good Research in Software Engineering | 17939 A What Makes Good Research in Software Engineering | |
9:30 | |
10:00 | |
10:30 | 15818 A4 Advanced Topics in Programming Languages | 15849 B Advanced Topics in Computer Systems | 15818 A4 Advanced Topics in Programming Languages | 15849 B Advanced Topics in Computer Systems | |
11:00 | |
11:30 | |
12:00 | | 05899 K Special Topics in HCI | 05499 K Special Topics in HCII | | 05899 K Special Topics in HCI | 05499 K Special Topics in HCII | |
12:30 | | | |
1:00 | | | |
1:30 | 15819 B Special Topics in Software Systems | 21801 A Advanced Topics in Discrete Mathematics | 15859 D Special Topics in Theory | 15819 B Special Topics in Software Systems | 21801 A Advanced Topics in Discrete Mathematics | 15859 D Special Topics in Theory | |
2:00 | |
2:30 | |
3:00 | 10810 A Computational Molecular Biology: A Machine Learning Approach | 03715 A Computational Molecular Biology: A Machine Learning Approach | 05630 A Programming Usable Interfaces | 05430 A Programming Usable Interfaces | 10810 A Computational Molecular Biology: A Machine Learning Approach | 03715 A Computational Molecular Biology: A Machine Learning Approach | 05630 A Programming Usable Interfaces | 05430 A Programming Usable Interfaces | |
3:30 | |
4:00 | |
4:30 | 15883 A Computational Models of Neural Systems | | 15883 A Computational Models of Neural Systems | | |
5:00 | | | |
5:30 | | | |
6:00 | | | | 17615 A Software Process Definition | |
6:30 | | | | |
7:00 | | | | |
7:30 | | | | |