| Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
8:30 | 76773 A Topics in Rhetoric: Argument | 76373 A Topics in Rhetoric: Argument | | 76773 A Topics in Rhetoric: Argument | 76373 A Topics in Rhetoric: Argument | | 76773 A Topics in Rhetoric: Argument | 76373 A Topics in Rhetoric: Argument |
9:00 | 76824 A The History, Theory & Practice of Writing Instruction | 76824 A The History, Theory & Practice of Writing Instruction |
9:30 | 76101 B Interpretation and Argument | 76101 B Interpretation and Argument | 76101 B Interpretation and Argument |
10:00 |
10:30 | 82201 A Intermediate French I | 15312 1 Foundations of Programming Languages | 82201 A Intermediate French I | 15312 1 Foundations of Programming Languages | 82201 A Intermediate French I |
11:00 |
11:30 | 19613 A Industries and Technological Innovation: Positions, Paths and Progress | 19613 A Industries and Technological Innovation: Positions, Paths and Progress | 18202 C Mathematical Foundations of Electrical Engineering |
12:00 | 76294 A Interpretive Practices | 76294 A Interpretive Practices |
12:30 | 18202 A Mathematical Foundations of Electrical Engineering |
1:00 |
1:30 | 18496 A Bioimaging | 42503 A Advanced Bioimaging | 79336 A Epidemic Disease and Public Health | 18496 A Bioimaging | 42503 A Advanced Bioimaging | 79336 A Epidemic Disease and Public Health | 80100 A What Philosophy Is |
2:00 |
2:30 | 80100 B What Philosophy Is |
3:00 | | 82780 A Graduate Research Seminar | | 16899 A Special Topics |
3:30 | 76101 AA Interpretation and Argument | 76101 AA Interpretation and Argument | 76101 AA Interpretation and Argument |
4:00 |
4:30 | | | |
5:00 | | | | |
5:30 | | | | |
6:00 | | | | | |
6:30 | | 09218 F Organic Chemistry II | 82103 A Elementary French I Online | 79396 A Music and Society in 19th/20th Century Europe and the U.S. | |
7:00 | | |
7:30 | | 09218 D Organic Chemistry II | 82104 A Elementary French II Online | |
8:00 | | |
8:30 | | | | |
9:00 | | | | |