Defining Output and Solving Method
Defining probablistic method
Select sampling method. Go to
Prob Design -> Problem Method -> Monte Carlo Sims
Select Latin Hypercube method.
which is equivalent to command
This is the same as typing "PDLHS,200,1,RAND,
,ALL, , , ,INIT" in the command line
More on LHS (Latin Hypercube Sampling)
For this sampling technique, random input variables
are sampled randomly according to their distribution functions,
efficiently stratifying the samples into layers and avoiding
the re-use of those layers. The sampling process has a "memory"
of previous simulations, which prevents accumulation of clusters
of samples. In addition, this sampling strategy forces the
extreme ends of a distribution function to participate in
the sampling. This generally leads to smoother distribution
functions of the sampled set. ( from ANSYS help)