Defining Probabilistic Parameters and Distribution
Now we have to specify probabilistic distribution of alpha,
width, length and external force.
Then click "Add...".
Length = gaussian distribution with SD = 10^-6
Width = gaussian distribution with SD = 10^-6
Alpha has a truncated gaussian distribution with mean value of 2.5degree, SD = 0.075 (having value between 2.3 and 2.75).
External force = lognormal distribution with
mean value of 0.20E-2 and SD = 0.20E-3.
click ok. You will see this window. Click close.
Now define output variable.
Click on Problem Design -> Prob Definitns -> Random
Click Add....
Click on B2EQUI. Now output we are focusing on is the dimension
This is equivalent
to typing "PDVAR, parameter_name, RESP" (RESP implies
parameter 1through 4 will not be used)
To define probabilistic parameters,
type: "PDVAR, Variable_name,Type_of_distribution,Param1,Param2,Param3,Param4".
Each distrubution
requires different parameters, therefore, it is always good
to check with ANSYS help. Type "help, PDVAR" in
the command line to view PDVAR usage.