
The Finite Element Method

ANSYS instruction conventions

Sample problems

    # Problem 1

1. Specify Geometry

2. Specify Element Type
and Material Properties

3. Mesh the Object

4. Apply Boundary Conditions and External Loads
A.Boundary Conditions

B.External Loads

5. Generate a Solution

6. Postprocessing

7. Refine the Mesh

8. Interpreting Results

9. Exit the Program

    # Problem 2

Contributing Authors:

Arbtip Dheeravongkit
Michael L Arzabe
Christopher Steiling
Joseph F. Chan
Andrew J. Birnbaum

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Last modified: 11/10/00

3. Mesh the Object

Meshing the part means it breaks the part into smaller pieces (elements) so that the program can analyze the loadings (stresses, temperatures, velocities, etc.) within the part. Breaking the part into many, small pieces (a fine mesh) will give more accurate results, but will use up more time and memory. Using fewer, larger pieces (a coarse mesh) will allow the model to run more quickly and use less memory, but will give less accurate results. In general it is good to start out with a coarse mesh and keep refining it in order to get the desired amount of accuracy.

MAIN MENU -> Preprocessor

      PREPROCESSOR -> -Meshing -Size Contrls

            SIZE CONTRLS -> Lines -Picked Lines

                  ELEMENT SIZE ON PICKED LINES -> Click on the top and bottom lines of the beam.

                  ELEMENT SIZE ON PICKED LINES -> Click OK.

                  ELEMENT SIZES ON PICKED LINES -> Enter 1 in the NDIV box, then click OK.

            SIZE CONTRLS -> Lines -Picked Lines

                  ELEMENT SIZE ON PICKED LINES -> Click on the right and left lines on the beam.

                  ELEMENT SIZE ON PICKED LINES -> Click OK.

                  ELEMENT SIZES ON PICKED LINES -> Enter 1 in the NDIV box, then click OK.

You just now specified the number of divisions of each line. For the coarse mesh, we specified NDIV=1, as the result we now have the beam as one element with 4 nodes. However, for the fine mesh, you will have to break the part into many more pieces for example break it into 4 elements.