Research Interest
I am broadly interested in using data science (statistics, AI/machine learning), game theory, and optimization to address important managerial questions in operations management, marketing, and strategy.
My specific areas of research are: (1) Retail and Supply Chain Management, (2) Innovation: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Online Platforms, Autonomous Vehicles, (3) ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), and (4) Healthcare Operations.
(1) Retail and Supply Chain Management
35. Euro Bae, Daegon Cho, Soo-Haeng Cho, Jin Soo Han, Yeongwoo Kim. Two sides of same-day delivery: Evaluating the distributional effects of platform fulfillment on third-party sales. Working Paper.
34. Elina Hwang, Leela Nageswaran, Soo-Haeng Cho. Impact of COVID-19 on omnichannel retail: Drivers of online sales during pandemic. Working Paper.
33. Soo-Haeng Cho, Zijun (June) Shi, Xin Wang, Yushu Zeng. Mergers and product repositioning: Theory and empirical evidence. Working Paper
32. Leela Nageswaran, Elina Hwang, Soo-Haeng Cho. Offline returns for online retailers via partnership. Management Science, Forthcoming.
31. Elina Hwang, Leela Nageswaran, Soo-Haeng Cho. Value of online - off-line return partnership to off-line retailers. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 24(3) 1630-1649, 2022.
30. Gizem Körpeoğlu, Ersin Körpeoğlu, Soo-Haeng Cho. Supply chain competition: a market game approach. Management Science, 66(12) 5648-5664, 2020.
29. Leela Nageswaran, Soo-Haeng Cho, Alan Scheller-Wolf. Consumer return policies in omnichannel operations. Management Science, 66(12) 5558-5575, 2020.
28. Soo-Haeng Cho, Xin Wang. Newsvendor mergers. Management Science 63(2) 298-316, 2017.
27. Soo-Haeng Cho. Horizontal mergers in multitier decentralized supply chains. Management Science 60(2) 338-355, 2014.
26. Xin Fang, Soo-Haeng Cho. Stability and endogenous formation of inventory transshipment networks. Operations Research 62(6) 1316-1334, 2014.
25. Soo-Haeng Cho, Christopher Tang. Capacity allocation under retail competition: uniform and competitive allocations. Operations Research 62(1) 72-80, 2014.
24. Soo-Haeng Cho, Christopher Tang. Advance selling in a supply chain under uncertain supply and demand. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 15(2) 305-319, 2013.
23. John Turner, Ben Peterson, Soo-Haeng Cho, Sunder Kekre, Alan Scheller-Wolf. A large U.S. retailer selects transportation carriers under diesel price uncertainty. Interfaces 42(4) 365-379, 2012.
22. Soo-Haeng Cho, Kevin McCardle, Christopher Tang. Optimal pricing and rebate strategies in a two-level supply chain. Production and Operations Management 18(4) 426-446, 2009.
(2) Innovation: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Online Platforms, Autonomous Vehicles
21. Neda Mirzaeian, Soo-Haeng Cho, Sean Qian. Can autonomous vehicles solve the commuter parking problem?. Working Paper.
20. Musa Celdir, Soo-Haeng Cho, Elina Hwang. Popularity bias in online dating platforms: Theory and empirical evidence. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 26(2) 537-553, 2024.
19. Niels Agatz, Soo-Haeng Cho, Hao Sun, Hai Wang. Transportation-enabled services: Concept, framework, and research opportunities. Service Science 16(1) 1-21, 2024.
18. Niels Agatz, Soo-Haeng Cho, Hao Sun, Hai Wang, Saif Benjaafar. Introduction to the special issue on innovation in transportation-enabled urban services, Part 1. Service Science 15(1) 1-2, 2023.
17. Neda Mirzaeian, Soo-Haeng Cho, Alan Scheller-Wolf. A queueing model and analysis for autonomous vehicles on highways. Management Science 67(5) 2904-2923, 2021.
16. Laurence Ales, Soo-Haeng Cho, Ersin Körpeoğlu. Innovation tournaments with multiple contributors. Production and Operations Management, Forthcoming.
15. Laurence Ales, Soo-Haeng Cho, Ersin Körpeoğlu. Innovation and crowdsourcing contests. Chapter 16 (pages 379-406) in Sharing Economy: Making Supply Meet Demand, Ming Hu (eds.), Springer Series in Supply Chain Management. 2018.
14. Ersin Körpeoğlu, Soo-Haeng Cho. Incentives in contests with heterogeneous solvers. Management Science, 64(6) 2709-2715, 2018.
13. Laurence Ales, Soo-Haeng Cho, Ersin Körpeoğlu. Optimal award scheme in innovation tournaments. Operations Research 65(3) 693-702, 2017.
12. Soo-Haeng Cho, Kevin McCardle. The adoption of multiple dependent technologies. Operations Research 57(1) 157-169, 2009.
11. Soo-Haeng Cho, Steven Eppinger. A simulation-based process model for managing complex design projects. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 52(3) 316-328, 2005.
(3) ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance)
10. Soo-Haeng Cho, Victor DeMiguel, Woonam Hwang. Cover-up of vehicle defects: the role of regulator investigation announcements. Management Science, 67(6) 3834-3852, 2021.
9. Xin Wang, Soo-Haeng Cho, Alan Scheller-Wolf. Green technology development and adoption: competition, regulation, and uncertainty - a global game approach. Management Science 67(1) 201-219, 2021.
8. Xin Fang, Soo-Haeng Cho. Cooperative approaches to managing social responsibility in a market with externalities. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 22(6) 1107-1286, 2020.
7. Soo-Haeng Cho, Xin Fang, Sridhar Tayur, Ying Xu. Combating child labor: Incentives and information disclosure in global supply chains. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 21(3) 692-711. 2019.
6. Soo-Haeng Cho, Xin Fang, Sridhar Tayur. Combating strategic counterfeiters in licit and illicit supply chains. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 17(3) 273-289, 2015.
5. Jaehyung An, Soo-Haeng Cho, Christopher Tang. Aggregating smallholder farmers for alleviating poverty in emerging economies: models and analyses. Production and Operations Management, 24(9) 1414-1429, 2015.
(4) Healthcare Operations
4. Soo-Haeng Cho, Hui Zhao. Healthcare Supply Chain. Chapter 8 pages 159-185) in Handbook of Healthcare Analytics: Theoretical Minimum for Conducting 21st Century Research on Healthcare Operations, Tinglong Dai and Sridhar Tayur (eds.), John Wiley & Sons. 2018.
3. Tinglong Dai, Soo-Haeng Cho, Fuqiang Zhang. Contracting for on-time delivery in the U.S. influenza vaccine supply chain. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 18(3) 332-346, 2016.
2. Soo-Haeng Cho, Hoon Jang, Taesik Lee, John Turner. Simultaneous location of trauma centers and helicopters for emergency medical service planning. Operations Research 62(4) 751-771, 2014.
1. Soo-Haeng Cho. The optimal composition of influenza vaccines subject to random production yields. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 12(2) 256-277, 2010.
(The abstract of this article also appeared in “M&SOM Society Student Paper Competition: Abstracts of 2007 Winners” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 10(2) 328-331, 2008.)
(The following paper is also related to Healthcare Operations: 7. Soo-Haeng Cho, Christopher Tang. Advance selling in a supply chain under uncertain supply and demand. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 15(2) 305-319, 2013.)
Editorial Board & Award Committee
- Co-Editor: Service Science, Special Issue on Innovation in Transportation-Enabled Urban Services (2020 - 2024)
- Associate Editor: Operations Research (2018 - )
- Associate Editor: Management Science (2017 - )
- Senior Editor: Production & Operations Management (2023 - )
- Associate Editor: Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (2015 - 2022)
- Associate Editor: MSOM Special Issue on Responsible Operations and Supply Chain Management (2017-2019)
- Editorial Review Board: Production & Operations Management (2015 - 2023)
- Chair of the Award Committee, The William Pierskalla Best Paper Award, INFORMS Health Applications Society (2015)
- Judge, The William Pierskalla Best Paper Award, INFORMS Health Applications Society (2016, 2017, 2020, 2021)
- Judge, INFORMS M&SOM Student Paper Competition (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023)
- Judge, INFORMS Public Sector Operations Research Best Paper Award (2018, 2020)
- Judge, POMS College of Supply Chain Management Best Student Paper Competition (2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2021)
- Judge, POMS College of Healthcare Operations Management Best Student Paper Competition (2013, 2017)
- INFORMS M&SOM (Manufacturing & Service Operations Management) Journal Best Paper Award for the paper published at M&SOM entitled “Combating child labor: Incentives and information disclosure in global supply chains” (2022)
- INFORMS TIMES (Technology, Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship Section) Best Paper Award, Runner-Up, for the paper published at OR entitled "Optimal award scheme in innovation tournaments" (2022)
- INFORMS TIMES Doctoral Dissertation Award, Runner-Up, Dissertation Chair of Neda Mirzaeian (2022)
- INFORMS TIMES Best Working Paper Award for the paper entitled "Green technology development and adoption: competition, regulation, and uncertainty - a global game approach" (2019)
- INFORMS Service Science Section, IBM Best Student Paper Award for the paper entitled "A queueing model and analysis for autonomous vehicles on highways" co-authored with Neda Mirzaeian (2019)
- INFORMS TIMES Doctoral Dissertation Award – Dissertation Co-Chair of Ersin Korpeoglu (2016)
- The Wickham Skinner Early-Career Research Accomplishments Award, Runner-Up, Production & Operations Management Society (2015)
- The William Pierskalla Best Paper Award from INFORMS Health Applications Society for the paper entitled “Simultaneous location of trauma centers and helicopters for emergency medical service planning” (2014)
- The Lave-Weil Prize from Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University for the paper entitled “Simultaneous location of trauma centers and helicopters for emergency medical service planning” (which recognizes the best unpublished paper on problem solving) (2013)
- Finalist for INFORMS M&SOM Journal Best Paper Award for the paper published at M&SOM entitled “The optimal composition of influenza vaccines subject to random production yields” (2013)
- The William Pierskalla Runner Up Award from INFORMS Health Applications Society for the paper entitled “Contracting for on-time delivery in the U.S. influenza vaccine supply chain” (2012)
- The Second Prize from INFORMS M&SOM Student Paper Competition for the paper entitled “The optimal composition of influenza vaccines subject to random production yields” (2007)
- Finalist for INFORMS Decision Analysis Society Best Student Paper for the paper entitled “The optimal composition of influenza vaccines subject to random production yields” (2007)
- The Xerox/DTM Best Paper Award from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) at the 13th International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology for the paper entitled “Product development process modeling using advanced simulation” (2001)
- Research Grant ($500,000) from the Jewish Healthcare Foundation (2022)
- Research Grant from the Carnegie Bosch Institute, Carnegie Mellon University (2015)
- BP Junior Faculty Chair from Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University (AY 2013-2014)
- Berkman Faculty Development Fund, Carnegie Mellon University (2009, 2012)
- M&SOM Meritorious Service Award (2011, 2014, 2015)
- Research Grant from the Harold Price Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, UCLA (2005, 2007)
- Army Commendation Medal from the Department of U.S. Army (1998)