My Teaching Experience |
At the Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University, I have taught the following courses. (1) MBA Elective Course: Operations Strategy I designed this new MBA elective course in 2010, and taught it over 20 sections (including online hybrid MBAs). This course is the highest-level elective in the operations concentration that emphasizes: (a) the integration of operations with corporate strategy and other functional areas, and (b) the application of conceptual frameworks and quantitative tools to practical problems. Here is the picture with a team of students in my 2014 class: (2) MBA Core Course: Operations Management Starting Fall 2019, I teach all three sections of this course for the full-time MBA program. In this course, I teach fundamental disciplines in Operations Management, including process analysis in manufacturing and service, inventory management, supply chain management, and global operations. (3) MBA Elective Course: OM Project I taught this project course sponsored by Amazon.com in 2009. One of the projects led to the research paper published in Interfaces. (4) Undergraduate Core Course: Operations Management I taught this course multiple times till Spring 2019. Two students who took the class in Spring 2019 won the Race to Case Competition in Fall 2019 and gave the award plaque to me: (5) PhD Course: Dynamic Programming I taught this course four times in the past. (6) PhD Course: Innovative and Sustainable Operations I designed this new course in 2016, and teach it every other year since then.