This year's Dance Marathon started Saturday at 8 pm and lasted through 8 am the next morning. Dance Marathon is a campus-wide event in which participants are sponsored to dance for twelve hours, with all proceeds going to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
Over 300 dancers participated in the event this year and raised $10,543, with pledged donations still coming in, exceeding a goal set by Dance Marathon coordinators. Director Allison Lin estimates total donations to be close to $12,000.
Dancers were supported by the Morale Committee, which organized fun events, games, and raffles throughout the night. They also provided dance lessons in swing, tap, tango, salsa, and raving.
The event was sponsored by Student Senate, Student Dormitory Council, the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs, President Cohon's Office, Student Life, Student Activities, AB Tech, Greek Council, cmuTV, and the University Center.

| story images |
 The Dance Marathon directors pose with the Jiggy Meter. |  Exhausted after twelve hours of dancing, Nikki Mehta and Marnie Morales collapse of the floor of Rangos. |
 The biggest philanthropic event in Carnegie Mellon’s recent history, Dance Marathon raised over $10,000. Stephanie Mathias, Dance Marathon director of finance, shows that the event raised $10,544.48. |  Morale member Chris Deleon shows off his awesome hula skills. |
 A pair of KapSig dancers takes a well-deserved break, napping right on the dance floor. |  The crowd watches, impressed, as Khalil Snell shows off his break dancing skills in a dance-off with Eugene Yee. |
 Eugene Yee responds to Snell’s impressive performance with his own style. |  The CMU Tango Club gives an impressive and sexy demonstration of tango dancing. |
 DJ Laura Miller mixes music from the 1980’s during the wee hours of the morning on Sunday to keep all the dancers up and moving. |  Adam Atkinson demonstrates his winning walking style in the walk-off, a freestyle walking competition from the movie Zoolander. |
 The Bio Babes group wins the Spirit Award for having all group members participating as twelve-hour dancers. From left to right are Catherine Hofler, Zac Kahler, Cate Oldenburg, Nikki Mehta, Erica Schleifman, and Marnie Morales. |  Freshmen Matt Eager and Jason Jura decided to dress up in silver and black leather for Dance Marathon to show off their dancing spirit. |
 Twelve-hour dancers, Nikki Mehta, Cate Oldenburg, and Marnie Morales are still dancing the night away to the B-52’s “Love Shack.” | |
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