Pixar Animation Studios, the creator of Finding Nemo and Toy Story, has developed another feature film that promises to be a great success. The Incredibles, a super hero adventure, appeals to an audience of all ages with its sophisticated computer animation, humor, and interesting plot.
The film follows the lives of super hero couple Mr. Incredible (Craig T. Nelson) and Elastigirl (Carnegie Mellon alumnus Holly Hunter). From the beginning of the film, it is apparent that this isn't just any super hero story. After just a few minutes of crime fighting action, the super hero world comes under fire from a litigious society that ultimately bans super heroes from living anything but a "normal" life.
Mr. Incredible (a.k.a. Bob Parr), has difficulty transitioning to life as an insurance adjuster from a crime fighting super hero. Elastigirl (a.k.a. Helen Parr) struggles to deal with her super powered children — one can run faster than light and the other can make herself disappear — and make the family fit into its monotonous suburban surroundings.
After an outburst at work with his boss over approving claims, Parr loses his job. Not long after, he is approached by a mysterious and seductive woman to take on a crime fighting job. It isn't long before Mr. Incredible finds himself in the clutches of super villain Syndrome, putting his whole family at risk.
The film has a great supporting cast of characters, including Edna Mode (Brad Bird) and Frozone (Samuel L. Jackson). Mode is an eccentric super hero suit maker who gives about half a dozen examples of why a super hero shouldn't have a cape. Humor like this is spread throughout the film by all characters.
Though the film obviously borrows elements from James Bond, the X-men, and Batman, it does so in a way that keeps things fresh and amusing. The catchy jazz spy music is well incorporated into the film, adding suspense when necessary.
The Incredibles is a movie worth seeing. The plot line is not as predictable as one might imagine for a Disney animated film, and fortunately lacks overly emotional elements. Though the final battle scene was quite lengthy, the movie as a whole is a delightful new twist on the super hero crime fighting story. Even adults will find the film amusing and interesting.
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