Last week, Senator Michelle Birchak introduced a series of proposed amendments to Student Senate's fiscal policy; at their most recent meeting, after a week of review, Senators voted against all of them.
The amendments proposed restricting the types of student organizations eligible to receive special allocations; in particular, political groups, fifth-year projects, and other academic programs were mentioned. Following much discussion, particularly about the distinction between organizations' "primary" and less-central purposes — for instance, if a newspaper endorses a candidate, does that make it a primarily political organzation? — the amendments were all rejected.
In other news, Student Activities coordinator and Student Senate advisor Jennifer Parry Bird announced that a leadership workshop, "How to Get — and Keep! — Money," will be held Thursday at 5 pm in the Dowd room in the UC. She encourages all members of student organizations — not only those in leadership positions — to attend. Student Senate Funding and Recognition chair Tom Sabram will be among the speakers at the event.
The Student Dormitory Council will host a dodge ball tournament on November 20. Interested students should sign up in teams of six as soon as possible, as spaces are quickly filling up. By the end of next week, SDC will also release a schedule of their finals events, which will include a barbeque at the Fence, a trip to Grove City, a primal scream session, and a karaoke competition.
Steven Kling, Student Body Vice President for Finance, reported that the Joint Funding Committee (JFC) process is "off and running." He also thanked his assistant and clerk Dan Papasian for his help in working to establish an online "Budget Tracker" system through which student organizations will be able to view and manage their accounts.
The Philosophical Self Inquiry Discussion Group was granted non-funded recognition. Scotch 'n' Soda received approval of their request to sell a piece of welding equipment; they required Senate's permission for the sale since the machine was originally purchased in part with student funds.
There is still a vacancy for a CFA senator; interested undergraduates should submit signed nomination petitions to UC Box 46 at the Info Desk.
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