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39-606 Engineering Product Design Projects

Department:CIT Interdisciplinary
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In this project course students form interdisciplinary teams, each of whose goal is the design of a product. Industry and government (often local) help us to define projects of real interest to them. They also help with their time and financial support. While projects typically run for two semesters, students can take the course for one or two semesters, as their schedules allow. Students must consider many issues for their products -- What are the product opportunities? What makes their product special? How must it look and feel? Is it technically legitimate? Can it be manufactured economically? How should it be marketed?

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#265
Rank in this department:#3

  Students also scheduled
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54-264 Welding
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69-102 Weight Training
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42-604 Biological Transport
85-291 Film Festival: Psychology of Interg...
39-245 Special Topics: Rapid Prototype Des...
39-600 Integrated Product Development
03-510 Computational Biology

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 4:30 - 6:20 pm T Subrahmanian, Wesner, Bigrigg, Antaki, Archer, Garrett, Jacobson SH 125 Add course to my schedule
R Subrahmanian, Wesner, Bigrigg, Antaki, Archer, Garrett, Jacobson HH B131

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