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39-600 Integrated Product Development

Department:CIT Interdisciplinary
Special permission:Yes
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The IPD course focuses on team-based integrated product development among engineering, business, and design disciplines. The course is open to seniors and graduate students in engineering, industrial and communication design, and MBA students. The course generally has about a dozen students from each discipline. The course consists of four modules including identifying, understanding, conceptualizing and introducing a product opportunity. In recent years we have partnered with industrial sponsors to address a customer opportunity, resulting in patent applications. The emphasis in the course is on the early, "fuzzy" stage of product development. The course gives structure to these stages and helps direct the process to be more efficient downstream. Students are expected to produce four phase written and oral reports. At the end of the semester the team will develop a form prototype, function prototype, marketing plan and manufacturing plan for the product.This course has gained an international reputation as a leading course in new product development. Course admission by permission of professor only; all students will be waitlisted until admission decisions are made. Students should contact the professor for an application for the course.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#482
Rank in this department:#4

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  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 1:30 - 4:20 pm T Boatwright, Vogel, Cagan, Weingart MM A11 Add course to my schedule
R Boatwright, Vogel, Cagan, Weingart MM A11

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