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54-242 Improvisation

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This course for second year (Sophomore) Actors not only sharpens their skills as ensemble performers, but also allows for more playfulness, creativity and exploration, cultivating risk-taking and a certain abandon. Divided into two separate sections, the course concentrates one full semester on non-verbal psychological improv to help the student actor achieve a kind of physical truth and spontaneity, while becoming aware of the importance of the body in conveying information; the second semester is devoted entirely to comedy improv and culminates in an original comedy improv show in the UC lobby.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#1220
Rank in this department:#60

  Students also scheduled
54-282 History of Drama II
54-262 Production Preparation II
54-208 Movement II
54-204 Voice and Speech II
54-202 Acting II
54-406 Graduate Directing
54-294 Make-Up

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
B 10:30 - 11:50 am F Warman PCA 313 Add course to my schedule
C 9:00 - 10:20 am F Warman PCA 184 Add course to my schedule

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