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54-208 Movement II

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This term is divided between two classic physical forms: Commedia dellArte and Clowns. In the first half of the semester students wear the half-masks of the archetypal Commedia characters (Harlequin, Pantalone, et al), to learn their psychology and physicality, improvise on historical and contemporary scenarios, and apply Commedia technique to modern comedy. Commedia dellArte gives them the tools to tackle physical comedy from any era, past or present. In the second half of the term students discover their personal Clowns. This clown has nothing to do with the American Barnum & Bailey Circus clown; this is not a character or caricature, but rather a revelation of the clown each student hides under the mask of adulthood. Discovering this clown gives them all a way to laugh at themselves, to uncover what makes each individual uniquely funny; it also lets them see how we only laugh at truth and in the personal material lies universal humor. Inside this freedom is the technique to know whats funny and why, and the ability to apply these rules in comedy.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#1227
Rank in this department:#58

  Students also scheduled
54-282 History of Drama II
54-262 Production Preparation II
54-242 Improvisation
54-204 Voice and Speech II
54-202 Acting II
54-406 Graduate Directing
54-294 Make-Up

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 1:00 - 2:20 pm T Warman PCA 313 Add course to my schedule
R Warman PCA 313
B 10:30 - 11:50 am T Warman PCA 313 Add course to my schedule
R Warman PCA 313
C 9:00 - 10:20 am T Warman PCA 313 Add course to my schedule
R Warman PCA 313

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