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19-701 Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Policy Analysis

Department:Eng. & Public Policy
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This course reviews and critically examines a set of problems, assumptions and analytical techniques that are common to research and policy analysis in technology and public policy. Topics covered include the difference between science, trans-science and policy analysis, policy problems formulated in terms of utility maximization, issues in the valuation of intangibles, uncertainty inpolicy analysis, selected topics in risk analysis, limitations and alternatives to the paradigm of utility mazimization, issues in behavioral decision theory, issues related to organizations and multiple agents, and selecte topics in policy advice and policy analysis for the federal government. The objective is to look critically at the strengths, limitations and underlying assumptions of key policy research and analysis tools and problem framing and sensitize students to some of the critical issues of taste, professional responsibility, ethics, and values that are associated with policy analysis and research.

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  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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