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19-712 Telecommunications, Technology Policy & Management

Department:Eng. & Public Policy
Cross-listed:18-482 , 19-402
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This course provides a comprehensive introduction to basic principles of telecommunications technology and the legal, economic, and regulatory environment of the telecommunications industry. Topics covered are: role of new technologies such as fiber, wireless, voice over packet, and broadband access; principles behind telecommunications regulation from common carrier law and natural monopoly to open access and interconnection; differences in the treatment of telecommunications versus information services. Also, mergers, antitrust, and the changing industrial structure of telecommunications; spectrum allocation and management; and international comparison of telecommunications regulations. Special emphasis on how the new technologies have altered and are altered by regulation.

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  Students also scheduled
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14-758 Wireless Communications
21-257 Models and Methods for Optimization
36-225 Introduction to Probability and Sta...
15-113 Systems Skills in C

  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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