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54-331 Scene Design I

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Students will spend the year in an exciting and intensive exploration of the process of Scene Design as well as an examination of the nature of creativity and storytelling. Students will also engage extensively in the skills a professional Scene Designer requires, such as drafting, drawing, model making, painting and general collaborative skills. Students will be expected to deal with in-depth research, scriptual examinations, careful arrangements of space, composition and groundplan, conceptual structure, real life obstacles and the elements of a successful final project. By the end of this course, students will have improved their overall design skills, have some projects they can include in their portfolio and have created new routes toward their creativity.

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  Students also scheduled
54-269 Photoshop/Dreamweaver
54-245 History of Clothing
54-349 Automated Lighting Technology
54-347 Figure Drawing
54-361 Production Preparation III
80-242 Conflict, Dispute Resolution
85-370 Perception
54-351 Lighting Design I
54-239 History of Architecture and Decor
54-273 Technical Direction

  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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