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60-471 Advanced PDP Drawing: The Figure, Anatomy and Expression

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Advanced PDP: Drawing: The Figure: Anatomy and Expression (Mary Weidner) For thousands of years artists have seen the human body as an object of beauty, and as a powerful metaphor for documenting the passion and the pathos of human experience. This course will focus on that complex and compelling subject. In class, students will work from the model, studying the figure as a means to heighten sensitivity, expand visual perception, and refine drawing skills. An introduction to the landmarks of anatomical bone and muscle structure will be included. Outside class, students will be encouraged to seek meaning in the humanity of the figure as a vessel for expression, be it personal, social, political, spiritual, narrative or emotional.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#403
Rank in this department:#3

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  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 1:30 - 4:20 pm M Weidner CFA 313 Add course to my schedule
W Weidner CFA 313

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