Prerequisites: 91-800 Organizational Management: Theory And Practice, 91-804 Financial Analysis For Managers, and some knowledge of basic accounting and of nonprofits is helpful. Managers of nonprofit organizations face many challenges. Among them are charges of unfair competition from for-profit entities; changing tax and resource environments; increasing service demands; increasing cries for accountability; a need to focus efforts on public relations and marketing; and changing expectations of traditional sources of funding. Readings, lectures, and case studies will offer a background for class discussion of contemporary issues facing managers in today's nonprofit sector. The history and evolution of the sector, the relative roles of the board and the staff in meeting the organizations objectives, the challenges in analyzing the many facets of an organization's market, and practical approaches to organizational planning and change will be dealt with through case studies and lectures based on current situations in the Pittsburgh nonprofit sector. Some discussion of international nonprofits will be included. The emphasis will be on developing a broad understanding of the issues facing the sector and approaches managers can use to deal effectively with those issues. Students will be expected to read, analyze and write a brief paper about one case study each week.