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| | 60-540 The Artist as Entrepreneur
The Artist as Entrepreneur (Harriet Schwartz) This course is designed for senior art students (BFA/BHA and BSA) and art graduate students who wish to continue making, showing, and selling work after completing their studies. The focus of this course is on helping students develop the skills and knowledge necessary to establish themselves as working professional artists. Topics include: marketing and promotions, galleries and other exhibition opportunities, pricing work, contracts, taxes and related matters, dealers, grants and other fundraising, other income sources, finding health insurance, and finding and connecting with a community of artists. Students will create professional materials including a resume, business card, promotional post card and mailing list - and will be graded on these materials. There will also be required readings, class speakers and graded journals in response to these activities. This course is a 3-unit mini in the first half of the fall 2004 semester. | |
Popularity index | | Students also scheduled | | | Spring 2005 times | | No sections available for semester Spring 2005.
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