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18-879 Special Topics in Systems & Control

Department:Electrical & Comp. Eng.
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Section N: Multi-Agent Systems See the ECE website for the description. Section P: Special Topics in Systems and Control: Engineering and Economics of Electric Power Systems The course has two parts. The first part introduces basic components and networks used in the electric power industry. This is followed by systematic modeling of these components, as well as of the entire system. Methods for modeling and analyzing both system equilibria and dynamics are presented. Simulations and lab demos are given to simulate and analyze typical system blackouts. This is followed by introducing decision and control methods for preventing these problems, as well as for managing the system more reliably, securely and efficently over braod ranges of its operating conditions. The emphasis is on IT, software and control (both distributed and coordination) for achieving pre-specified system performance. This part of the course will involve simulation demos and hands on studies in which students create their own power network, simulate it and assess for performance. The second part of the course will review the industry structure, the experience with deregulation, and economic issues concerning choice of generating fuel and technology, the costs of blackouts, and environmental discharges. The course will integrate engineering and economic aspects to examine the design, investment, and operations that satisfy public desires for low cost, nonpolluting, reliable, and secure power.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#311
Rank in this department:#18

  Students also scheduled
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42-644 Medical Devices
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18-396 Signals and Systems
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69-130 Tennis
18-578 Mechatronic Design
18-794 Pattern Recognition Theory
69-195 Emergency Medical Technician

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
N 10:30 am - 12:20 pm M Morel, Talukdar DH 1211 Add course to my schedule
W Morel, Talukdar DH 1211
P 1:30 - 3:20 pm T Ilic, Lave IA 146 Add course to my schedule
R Ilic, Lave IA 146

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