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85-445 Memory Phenomena and Memory Mechanisms

Prerequisites:85-211 or 85-213
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This seminar will begin by reviewing the basic models and findings concerned with explicit and implicit memory. We will then branch out to try to understand some interesting cognitive illusions such as the Moses Illusion and repetition blindness from what we know about memory. We will read papers concerned with memory and aging and also emotion and memory. We will discuss whether the dichotomies such as explicit vs implicit memory or semantic vs. episodic memory mirror brain functions. In addition to reading primary and secondary sources, students will be required to either search the literature and write a review about a particular area of memory research or conduct a research project that addresses a memory problem. Students who take this course must have completed 85-211 or 85-213. A research methods course is desirable, but not required.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#703
Rank in this department:#20

  Students also scheduled
85-221 Principles of Child Development
85-421 Language and Thought
57-363 String Methods
57-276 Piano Pedagogy IV
57-701 Studio Major (Piano)
57-607 Vocal Methods
57-417 Major Choral Ensemble
57-362 Woodwind Methods
18-578 Mechatronic Design
69-142 Beginning Fencing

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 7:00 - 9:50 pm W Reder BH 340A Add course to my schedule

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