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76-479 Marketing, Public Relations, and Corporate Communications

Prerequisites:70-340 or 76-270 or 76-271 or 76-372
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Effective marketing and communication are essential to the success of businesses, non-profit agencies, academic institutions, public interest groups, and other groups of people that have a shared purpose and identity to promote. This course explores problems and solutions that apply to marketing and communication in corporate settings, where professional communicators manage relationships with a wide variety of constituencies: customers, investors, news agencies, employees, local communities, and local, regional, and national government agencies. To succeed, communicators must be able to develop creative and effective strategies for advancing organizational objectives, think and act quickly in high-pressure situations, and write clearly and persuasively as advocates for the organizations they serve. This course, taught by the manager of communications at the Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, will help you develop the written and oral communication skills to handle the wide variety of tasks demanded of a professional communicator in a corporation. You will learn how to plan and develop a coherent approach for all of an organization?s communications as well as effective marketing tactics for achieving business objectives. Topics covered will include corporate branding, messaging, and positioning; crisis communication; public, media, government, community, and investor relations; internal employee communication; Web publishing and corporate Web sites; annual reports; measurement and evaluation of communication effectiveness; knowledge management; and customer relationship management.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#365
Rank in this department:#24

  Students also scheduled
76-442 Communicating Across Cultures
76-323 Human Rights in the Arts and Humani...
88-221 Policy Analysis II
88-358 Policy Making Institutions
48-351 Human Factors in Architecture
88-324 Electoral Systems and Processes
88-398 Independent Study
48-569 GIS/CAFM
48-453 Urban Design
70-424 Corporate Financial Reporting

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 4:30 - 5:50 pm T Pollak BH 231B Add course to my schedule
R Pollak BH 231B

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