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05-816 Applied Research Methods

Department:Human Comp. Interaction
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APPLIED RESEARCH METHODS - 9 units - formerly 05-899 A. This course is for Ph.D level graduate students who will carry out research in domains such as social effects of the Internet, evaluation of interactive robots and agents, and the use of sensors for predicting user behavior in information systems. Masters students will be accepted with permission of the instructor only if (a) they are planning research careers or (b) they are actively engaged in project research now (e.g., working on a project at level higher than RA). The course will be run as a lab and seminar involving hands-on practice of skills such as experimentation, web survey design, ethnographic observation, and content analysis. Students will complete a research project in the course.

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  Students also scheduled
15-211 Fundamental Data Structures and Alg...
05-899 Special Topics in HCI
11-711 Algorithms for NLP
05-771 HCI Process and Theory
76-888 On-Line Information Design Lab
76-887 On-Line Information Design
70-311 Organizational Behavior
05-601 HCI Seminar
05-600 HCI Pro Seminar
76-880 Document Design

  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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