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76-880 Document Design

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In this course, students learn how to combine theory, design practice, and technical knowledge to create effective visual/verbal synergy in multi-page print documents. As a foundation for understanding how readers "see" and "read" visual/verbal combinations, we study rhetorical theory, visual design theory, and emerging communication design theory. We draw on this theory to create print artifacts that reflect rhetorical purpose and aesthetic concerns, as well as the more fundamental concerns of the visual/verbal experience. Throughout, our goal will be to provide a smooth, elegant and compelling experience for our audiences. We complement this theoretical foundation with the study of design skills including Gestalt composition, basic typography, and basic grid structure. The course also includes a Friday lab session in which students are introduced to the various software applications needed for assignments -- PageMaker, Adobe Illustrator, and PhotoShop. The lab teaches the tools through guided practice and lab exercises, but students should also expect to spend additional time outside of class in practice and experimentation.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#972
Rank in this department:#58

  Students also scheduled
70-643 Publishing on the World Wide Web
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19-605 Special Topics: Science Technology ...
18-793 Optical Image and Radar Processing
76-779 Technical Communications for Engine...
15-879 Computational Structural Biology
18-614 Microelectromechanical Systems
18-342 Fundamentals of Embedded Systems

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 9:00 - 10:20 am M Hagan TBA Add course to my schedule
W Hagan TBA
F Hagan TBA

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