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90-751 Advanced Negotiation in Complex Environments

Department:Public Policy & Mng.
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Prerequisites: 90-750 Negotiation Negotiation is more than haggling over the price of a car or the completion of a simple transaction. Negotiation is about reaching mutual agreements when the parties involved have conflicting goals and preferences. Negotiations in business settings are typically very complex, often involving multiple parties concerned about multiple issues with external constituents to satisfy. This course will extend the skills and knowledge gained from the introductory negotiation courses at GSIA and the Heinz School by examining negotiation in complex environments. Through the use of negotiation role-plays, students from both GSIA and the Heinz school will explore multi-party negotiation, team negotiation, repeated negotiations, getting past "no," the role of the internet in negotiations, and cross-cultural negotiation.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#993
Rank in this department:#44

  Students also scheduled
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90-716 Managing in a Multicultural Society
90-804 Industrial Organizations
90-725 Intermediate Financial Analysis

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A4 5:30 - 8:20 pm W Babcock HBH 1001 Add course to my schedule

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