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51-452 Furniture Design II

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A continuation of 51-451, this course explores a much broader range of issues related to furniture design. Students will identify and define in a proposal the area of furniture design they intend to investigate and then produce one or more furniture pieces developed from their findings. Materials and processes applied to the project are limited only by the resources the student can bring to bear. Assigned readings and a series of in-class discussions will focus on the influence of workmanship in design, and on how the behavior of the user is influenced by the form or esthetic language of the artifact. Lab fee & material purchases required.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#1199
Rank in this department:#53

  Students also scheduled
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54-192 Acting for Non-Majors
51-342 How People Work with Things
51-316 Designing Spaces
69-195 Emergency Medical Technician
69-109 Karate

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 8:30 - 11:20 am T Merriman PH 23 Add course to my schedule
R Merriman PH 23

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