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12-301 CEE Projects

Department:Civil & Environmental Eng
Prerequisites:12-235 and 12-251 and 12-271
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Basic elements of civil and environmental engineering projects, from project conception through design, to implementation and operation. Project components are explored through formal instruction combined with analysis of actual engineering projects and student team activities. The course is intended to develop skills and understanding related to the application of engineering and science principles, approximations, empiricism, and experience to engineering projects; basic theory and practice of design; the importance and challenge of team efforts and effective communication; and the utility of measurements, modeling, visualization, quality control, and engineering graphics. 4 hrs. rec.

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  Students also scheduled
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12-251 Introduction to Environmental Engin...
12-600 AutoCAD
12-411 Engineering Economics
12-611 Project Management Construction

  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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