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03-311 Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology

Department:Biological Sciences
Prerequisites:03-121 and (99-101 or 99-102 or 99-103)
Cross-listed:03-310 , 03-510 , 03-710 , 42-334 , 42-534 , 42-734
Notes:Monday meetings are recitations
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This course presents both the theoretical underpinnings of computational methods used in modern molecular biology and practical training in use of these methods. It is intended for students without computer programming experience. Topics included are accessing Internet molecular biology resources, restriction enzyme analysis, finding protein coding regions (open reading frames), sequence alignment, homology searching, finding sequence features (e.g., promoters), and elementary protein structure prediction. Course work consists primarily of homework assignments making use of software packages for these applications. Students may only use one of the following for credit, 03-310, 03-311, 03-510 or 03-710.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#709
Rank in this department:#18

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  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A3 11:30 am - 12:20 pm M Murphy HL CLSTR Add course to my schedule
2:30 - 3:50 pm T Murphy DH 2302
R Murphy DH 2302

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