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82-304 The Francophone World

Department:Modern Languages
Prerequisites:82-202 or 82-204
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This course introduces the student of French to several of the francophone regional cultures outside of France, including North and West Africa, Belgium, Quebec, and the Antilles. The culture commonly associated with the French language is the primarily Christian and Cartesian European tradition. Through the experience of this course, you will learn of the multiple synthetic cultural realities which have arisen through the colonial and post-colonial processes of contact between European and non-European cultures, and which are now expressed through the medium of the French language. Materials studied will include novels, short stories, essays, newspaper and scholarly articles, film, documentary video and song. The course also introduces students to the formal requirements of continuing cultural study, thus assignments will include analyses that demonstrate the ability to express critical judgments in both written and oral form, using accepted academic conventions for research documentation and exposition. Prerequisites: 82-303 or permission of the instructor.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#532
Rank in this department:#31

  Students also scheduled
79-104 Introduction to World History
21-112 Calculus II
36-201 Statistical Reasoning and Practice
88-120 Reason, Passion and Cognition
24-331 Viscous Flow
24-311 Numerical Methods
33-211 Physics III: Modern Essentials
18-396 Signals and Systems
24-351 Dynamics
24-322 Heat Transfer

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 12:00 - 1:20 pm T Schlossman PH 226B Add course to my schedule
R Schlossman PH 226B

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