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33-211 Physics III: Modern Essentials

Prerequisites:33-112 or 33-132
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Physics III is primarily for third-semester students of physics, including all physics majors, but is open to any qualified student who wants an introduction to the physics of the 20th century. The course will have a strong component of Special Relativity, dealing with kinematics and dynamics, but not electricity and magnetism. (See 33-213 description.) It will introduce students to a conceptual theory, which is mathematically simple but (initially) non-intuitive. The course also provides a broad exposure to quantum phenomena and early quantum theory without getting overly mathematical. It leads into the more formal Quantum Physics course.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#82
Rank in this department:#8

  Students also scheduled
33-231 Physical Analysis
21-127 Concepts of Mathematics
33-201 Undergraduate Colloquium I
73-100 Principles of Economics
18-220 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineer...
15-213 Introduction to Computer Systems
33-232 Mathematical Methods of Physics
15-212 Principles of Programming
33-104 Experimental Physics
15-113 Systems Skills in C

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 9:30 - 10:20 am M Peterson WEH 5403 Add course to my schedule
W Peterson WEH 5403
R Peterson DH 2315
F Peterson WEH 5403

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