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| | 76-481 Writing for Multimedia
When you listen to a talking head on screen while a graphic is displayed behind the speaker and a stream of running text provides additional information at the bottom of that screen, you are having a multimedia experience. As such, you are also having a multimodal experience because you are looking at static and animated images, hearing sound, and reading text simultaneously or in quick succession. Writers concerned with the multimodal interests of multimedia, enter a realm with unique opportunities and constraints for the content and design of the text. In this class, we will explore those constraints and opportunities by first reading about, then having in-class discussions concerning multimedia applications. We will then analyze examples of multimedia in order to discover how well those particular examples function. Finally, the class will produce solutions to three problems of increasing difficulty. First, individual students will produce a storyboard version of a multimedia experience. Individuals will then apply the learning gained from that storyboard to the design of a simple multimodal experience intended to entertain the viewer. Finally, students will consider an empirical study that indicates multimedia applications enhance learning. After reading that study, members of the class organized into creative teams will create multimedia examples that incorporate the studys findings in order to produce a multimedia portfolio piece that focuses on the goal of learning enhancement. In creating these examples, students will not only follow best compositional practices as defined by readings and lectures but also conduct user testing in order to discover how well the writer's intentions match the writers effects. | |
Popularity index | | Students also scheduled | | | Spring 2005 times | | No sections available for semester Spring 2005.
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