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95-732 Ecommerce Marketing

Department:Information Systems Mng.
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The course will be centered on classroom discussions of readings of very current materials including the textbook, periodical literature, and material printed on the Web. There may be guest lecturers selected from the Internet marketing community. Short analysis papers and a term paper will be required throughout the course. The short analysis papers will develop a critique, hypothesis, or position on subjects from assigned readings or on class discussion questions. The term paper would cover subjects like: - the impact of eCommerce on principles or concepts of classicalbmarketing - analysis and/or criticism of particular electronic marketing techniques - proposals for electronic marketing campaigns for real or hypothetical products or services - proposals for applying technology to the improvement of particular marketing functions that we cover - feasibility and credibility analyses of case studies in the textbook, with examples, if any, from current practice The emphasis is on insightful analysis of pertinent source materials and effective presentation of one's analyses and conclusions.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#414
Rank in this department:#22

  Students also scheduled
95-702 Organizational Communication & Dist...
95-760 Decision Making Under Uncertainty
95-711 Financial Analysis
95-700 Organizational Management
95-856 Hacking Exposed
95-803 Information Warfare
95-730 Electronic Commerce
95-857 Incident Response
95-733 Internet Technologies
95-704 Advanced Database Management

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A3 1:30 - 2:50 pm T Smith HBH 1004 Add course to my schedule
R Smith HBH 1004

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