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33-213 Mini-Course in Special Relativity

Prerequisites:33-112 or 33-132
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This course spans the first six weeks of 33-211, Physics III: Modern Essentials. It treats the Mechanics aspects of Special Relativity, including topics such as simultaneity, the Lorentz transformation, time dilation, length contraction, space-time geometry, resolving some famous puzzles, and the momentum, mass, and energy relations. The Electricity and Magnetism portions of the subject are deferred until the junior/senior courses in E&M (33-338/33-339).

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#307
Rank in this department:#18

  Students also scheduled
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18-396 Signals and Systems
85-261 Abnormal Psychology
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24-231 Fluid Mechanics
24-262 Stress Analysis
57-227 Jazz Ensemble
98-012 Student Taught Courses (StuCo): Fun...
15-462 Computer Graphics

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A3 9:30 - 10:20 am M Peterson WEH 5403 Add course to my schedule
W Peterson WEH 5403
R Peterson DH 2315
F Peterson WEH 5403

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