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36-310 Fundamentals of Statistical Modeling

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This course provides a one-semester introduction to the theory of probability and mathematical statistics, suitable as background for more advanced 400-level statistics courses such as 36-401 and 36-402 (Modern Regression and Topics in Data Analysis). The course will emphasize probability models and distribution theory; the practice of statistical inference based on the use of maximum likelihood estimation; and applications of statistical modeling and inference, using case studies drawn from the social, physical and biomedical sciences. The use of a computer software package will be an integral part of this course.. Students who have taken 36-225 or 36-625 may not receive credit for this course. Students who have taken 73-261 or 73-360 need permission of the instructor.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#399
Rank in this department:#11

  Students also scheduled
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12-636 Geotechnical Engineering
12-657 Water Resources Engineering
70-366 Intellectual Property and E-Commerc...
70-366 Intellectual Property and E-Commerc...

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 9:00 - 10:20 am T Meyer PH A18B Add course to my schedule
R Meyer PH A18B

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