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70-332 Business, Society and Ethics

Department:Business Administration
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The course examines the political, social and legal environment of the firm, within and outside the United States. Topics include restrictive trade practices, laws and directors' responsibilities and liabilities, manufacturers' responsibilities and liabilities, securities regulation, environmental protection, intellectual property, labor unions, trade associations, employee rights and duties, the attorney-client relationship, advertising and the media, the role of regulatory agencies, multinational operations, dealing with bribery and corruption, values in a business society, societal implications of business policies and corporate social responsibility.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#53
Rank in this department:#5

  Students also scheduled
70-340 Business Communications
70-311 Organizational Behavior
70-371 Production I
70-345 Oral Communications
70-381 Marketing I
70-391 Finance I
70-208 Regression Analysis
70-451 Management Information Systems
73-200 Macroeconomics
73-251 Economic Theory

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 10:30 - 11:50 am T Hooker, Hershey MM 103 Add course to my schedule
R Hooker, Hershey MM 103
B 6:30 - 9:20 pm W Hornack, Hooker IA SIM Add course to my schedule

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