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24-354 General Robotics

Department:Mechanical Engineering
Prerequisites:21-118 or 21-122
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This course presents an overview of robotics in practice and research with topics including vision, motion planning, mobile mechanisms, kinematics, inverse kinematics, and sensors. In lab projects, students construct robots which are driven by a microcontroller, with each lab project reinforcing the basic principles developed in lectures. Students nominally work in teams of three: an electrical engineer, a mechanical engineer, and a computer scientist, outside of the lecture and recitation. The lab projects are the primary homework assignments. This course will also expose students to some of the contemporary happenings in robotics, which includes current robot lab research, applications, robot contests and robot web surfing. 3 hrs. lec., 1 hr. rec., and several labs throughout the semester.

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Rank for this semester:#0
Rank in this department:#0

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80-310 Logic and Computation
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  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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